Freeman Legacy 2.0
It seems like time just sped up after Helena had her birthday. I mean, looking at it now, it seems like everything just happened one thing after another - a new thing every day. I know that's not how it was. Things take time, but it sure didn't feel like it at the time. The first thing to happen was Houda. Yeah, she and Helena finally got together. I've only been telling Helena to get on with it for years . Maybe getting older made my sister stop moping around and just do something already. Or maybe Helena's new legal age got Houda to get off her ass and ask my sister out. Either way, they started dating, and let me just say they are nauseating . Don't get me wrong, I like Houda. I think she's great and she's good for my sister. My issue was more that they couldn't stop making little heart-eye faces at each other. If they were any more lovey-dovey, their hearts would actually have popped out of their chests. Not that I have room to t...