Freeman Legacy 1.4
Helena was sitting next to her father one night at the dinner table. Her little sister, Harriet, was already in bed, and her mother had called it an early night after a long day at work. Sergio, Helena's father, wasn't a usual dad. For years, he had claimed adamantly to hate all children, and he certainly never wanted kids of his own. Despite this, he was a wonderful and caring father, though he wasn't too keen on hosting sleepovers. Helena knew that her Papa loved her and Harriet, and so she often turned to him when she needed help, whether that be with homework, or life in general. "Papa," Helena spoke up. She wasn't sure how to phrase her question, and in her attempt, it all sort of rushed out. "Why are you and Mama so much older than the other kids' parents? Matt Robinson was saying that Harrie and I were mistakes, but Samantha Collins said that two kids can't both be mistakes cause when her mommy got pregnant with their new baby, Sam...